Japanese Courses - 2019 Spring Session (30 hours)

12 lessons $210.00* ($200 for the session, $10 for the administration fee) and $35 JCCCM annual membership fee, if you have not paid for 2019. *materials is not included. Please note that the Level 1A (for beginners) course will start next September.

  • Level 1B : Thursdays 6:45 pm (starts on April 23, 2019)
    (The level 1B is designed for students who are able to read hiragana and katakana. Applicants should have a total of 30 hours of instruction in the Japanese language or the equivalent.)

To register, or for more information, please call the Centre at 514-728-5580.
Téléphonez au 514-728-5580 pour des plus amples renseignements.

JCCCM (Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre of Montreal Inc.)
8155 Rousselot St.
Montreal, QC H2E 1Z7
To reach us, from Jarry Metro station, take Bus 193 east along Jarry Street to Rousselot.

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